Looks Like A Russian Tank Was Preparing To Fire And Got Hit.


Posted by Woddie_321


  1. Lucius_Furius on

    Nice of the driver to lock himself into the burning hulk by getting all that rubble on top of his hatch.

  2. Denmarkfirst on

    Selfdestruction ? Grenate detonated in the tank? Lock failure on the gun ?

  3. Seemed like a very accurate artillery shot. Second shot lands on exactly the same spot after the burn hull moves forward.

  4. Zealousideal7801 on

    I’m no expert, but doesn’t it look like a dud (the shell got stuck in the canon, didn’t explode but the propellant ignited inside the turret) ?

  5. showmeyourkitteeez on

    We don’t need no water let the mutha f#cker burn. Burn mutha f#cker burn.

  6. Engineer-intraining on

    Sometimes I see these video and there’s a little poof of smoke and nothing else and I have a hard time believing that that destroyed the tank in any meaningful way, but this one is dead dead.