Our dear ones,

You must have noticed at some point how the Council of Moderators removed some posts because they had the same ones criminal address.

Examples of such titles:

  • Help!!!
  • Your opinion???
  • I have a problem?
  • Is anyone here a student??
  • Someone from Zagreb pls???
  • Which is better?
  • I need an answer!!!
  • What is your opinion on this?

Such titles simply force users to enter a post whose topic may not be of interest to them. The problem is that Reddit has a crazy title format – once you write it and post it, you can’t change it and all you have to do is delete the post and try again, but with a better title.

As a rule, we remove the post, the user gets a reason along with the violated rule and can repost with an improved title.

The thing is that a lot of users would give up on that, especially since they need to write/copy the text of the post.

As the new Reddit API expands, I’ve decided to add a function inside the existing bot that allows you to repost a post by choosing what to do in the post options "Repost (title)"a box appears in which you just write a better title, confirm that the new title complies with the rules and that’s it – the post will be visible, without having to make any effort like before.

Note: Due to the lack of certain features, this post option will show to everyone, but will only work for the OP. Also, information about this option will be available in the comment u/flairassistant after the removal of the post due to the criminal title.

We hope you are satisfied with this innovation, and more features will be available soon 🙂


Posted by paskatulas

1 Comment

  1. Ja bih vam dao ministarstvo birokracije, da malo optimizirate i olakšate naše procese u državi 🙂