In a grand finale at the end of the year, thanks to her revelations, the European Prosecutor’s Office arrested 29 people on charges of serious criminal offences. The investigative series about the Faculty of Geodesy was the main topic in the country for weeks, thanks to the unyielding persistence of the journalist Kršul, who revealed the malfeasance of the then dean and his closest associates in layers.

Posted by demonscookie


  1. demonscookie on

    Dora Kršul je dobila nagradu za novinarku godine dan nakon što ju Plenković napao da njen rad nije istraživačko novinarstvo.

  2. Da li je šansa da joj AP oduzme tu nagradu jednaka nuli ili nije?

    Uopće nije problem što moramo na trenutak razmisliti o tome jer odgovor nije očit…