South Dakota governor Kristi Noem continues to be plagued by book controversies


  1. She really thought that she can write all this bullshit about killing a dog and then lie about meeting Kim Jong Un and staring him down lol.

  2. BebophoneVirtuoso on

    This isn’t an error, unless she met a random chubby Asian man and thought that was Kim Jong Un. This was just a lie.

  3. Medical_Egg8208 on

    And it’s hilarious, well deserved. Best part is no one will buy it now, because they already know what she did, so who gives a fuck about the rest of the book. Will probably become something in, Walmart bin by the checkout, along with some old DVD’s

  4. Good. Hold her accountable. Goodbye to your political reputation you putrid excuse of a human. Especially now that Trump (honestly or not) cast a negative light on her 😂. Idgaf if he believes it or not. Watching the GOP cannibalize their own party is great

  5. temporarychair on

    You and your gross cheek bones are finished politically. Just sit by the phone and wait for Fox News to give you your own show.

  6. Idrisdancer on

    Murdering puppies and goats and lying about staring down a dictator. She thought it would go well?

  7. pistoffcynic on

    She’s an embarrassment… just like Lake, Bobert, Greene and their mentor, Donald Trump.