Kremlin says Ukraine targeting forces in Crimea with U.S.-made mobile missiles –


  1. Oh good, they’re working. It’s like seeing your nephew wearing the sweater you bought them for Christmas.

  2. timetogetoutside100 on

    isn’t it funny that Russia pisses and moans, but yet, they do the exact same thing , and have been for months

  3. Unicorn_Puppy on

    Well if you don’t like it you’re free to lay down your weapons, cede your unlawfully occupied territories and return back to all borders prior as they where December of 2013.

  4. Seems like Ukraine will take down the bridge before putins inauguration, that’s a very nice gesture.

  5. This still piss me off that the combined might of thr west can’t manage to supply Ukraine with enought aids.

    It’s a shame.

  6. And? Crimea is Ukrainian territory. They’re allowed to use all aid on their territory.

  7. Aware-Feed3227 on

    That’s good and they have every right to do so. Don’t forget that it’s Ukrainian territory.

  8. Ukraine, target harder. First time in my life I am happy with what my tax dollars are used for (by DOD).

  9. zombieblackbird on

    That’s terrible. You should leave Crimea and the rest of Ukraine immediately! It’s not safe for you there.

  10. Crimea is Ukraine territory. They can do wantever the fuck they want there.

  11. anythingbutwildtype on

    Breaking: random American in middle USA says Kremlin can lick these nuts.

  12. Fuck you Kremlin. The world isn’t scared of you. I hope Ukraine bombs you to submission. Get the fuck out of Ukraine, and stop meddling with the free world.

  13. gordonjames62 on

    Ukraine targeting invaders in occupied Ukraine in self defense of their land and livelihood.

    Seems like a good idea.

    I’d be OK with Ukraine targeting downtown Moscow since Russia can’t seem to keep their minions out of Ukraine.

  14. themarshal21 on

    Ruzzia would’ve lost this war a year ago if it wasn’t for the GOP and the Chinese/N Koreans/Iranians. The GOP for stalling funds and materials for the Ukrainians and the others for their material help.

  15. Adventurous_Bit1325 on

    I’m sure most of us in the U.S. are totally fine with this. Now go ahead and hit them inside actual Russian territory. Crimea belongs to Ukraine.

  16. Good.

    It would be fun if Ukraine had missiles that could reach Moscow. Would put a damper on the May 9th celebrations.

  17. So Ukraine is targeting occupied Ukrainian territory in an effort to dislodge the invaders? Boy, that sure sounds like the literal expected thing to happen during an invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation. Understandable how Russia would be so shocked and appalled by this massively predictable turn of events.

  18. Pleasant_Savings6530 on

    Awwwww, can’t ur crappy s400’s knock down an American made missile? Want us to send more ?

  19. I love it. Forces = raping murdering Russians. Please target as many as possible.

  20. macross1984 on

    Oh, Kremlin is whining? More power to Ukraine to kick the murderous invaders out of Crimea and back to where they came from.

  21. Splatacular on

    Oh so it is working even the GQP obstructing as best they can. Nice.

    Or maybe… I really don’t care… Do U?

  22. Absolutely zero evidence that Ukraine has ever attacked Russia since the beginning of this “special operation”. “The Kremlin says” means nothing. 

    Russia really needs to stop launching missiles on their own troops and territories. Stop giving your babushkas the remote control!