Israel military begins evacuating Palestinian civilians from Rafah, radio says


  1. This is what happens when Hamas stonewalls negotiations for months with the backing of American misguided college students and Russia/China/Iran/Turkey aligned country leaders

  2. Maybe if Hamas had just accepted one of the many hostage deals this would have been pushed off even more until the humanitarian situation is better.

  3. light_odin05 on

    So a bloodbath it will be.

    Certainly after the attack on kerem shalom crossing

  4. finally. enough talk. its time to finish this. the rockets had to be last straw.

  5. bamboo-coffee on

    Unfortunately discerning hamas from citizens will be tough. I wonder what the percentage is that gets caught vs blends in. In any case, I bet Israel mostly wants to get inside to destroy as much infrastructure and weapon caches as possible.

  6. bitchboy-supreme on

    This is absolutely not going to end well at all. I really hope that whatever their plan is works out and there’s not a civilian bloodbath, but considering how Hamas is and that this is an incredible dense area and not every civilian will evacuate (especially not because Hamas might tell them not to or keep them from going) I’m not so positive…

    This entire situation is so incredibly frustrating. On one hand I very much understand the IDFs perspective of there not being peace or security while hamas reigns in Gaza on the other hand there’s a good chance that this will not only cost many peoples their lives, but it will also seriously damage Israels relationships with many countries. Hamas and Iran have really played the international pr game well, no matter what Israel now does it will be perceived badly and it will be used to further international antisemitism.

  7. system3601x on

    Hamas could have ended this long ago if they cared for Palestinians. Just releasing the hostages and surrendering will end the war. But Hamas is a terror org so what do we expect. They stonewall the whole deal many times thinking they can escape from this, time to enter Rafah and end the war the hard way.

  8. skeleton949 on

    Unfortunate. But this was inevitable when Hamas kept stopping the negotiations and using them to stall for time