Hospitals in Russian-occupied Luhansk region threatening to take away newborns if at least one parent does not have Russian citizenship: ISW


  1. Independent_Lie_9982 on

    “If these reports are true, such actions violate Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which defines genocide as ‘the imposition of measures to prevent births within a group’,” the institute stated.

    In its report, the ISW also conveyed with reference to a communiqué from the Security Service of Ukraine that the occupying Russian authorities continue to forcibly deport Ukrainian civilians deep into Russia.

    On May 2, occupation authorities in the Kherson region reported that Russian officials brought 10 minors from the occupied territories to the Ocean children’s camp in the Seaside Krai in Russia’s far east and encouraged them to apply for admission to vocational schools in Russia.

    “The occupation administration of the Kherson region has stated that it will transport an additional 200 minors from the occupied Kherson region to the Ocean children’s camp in 2024. The Ukrainian Resistance Center reported on May 1 that the occupation authorities of the Kherson region are forcibly relocating Ukrainian civilians from the villages of Hola Prystan, Kochaniv and Gladkivka to the occupied Crimea and deep into the occupied part of the Kherson region,” the document proclaims.

    According to the ISW, Russian officials in the occupied territories are continuing to militarize and indoctrinate Ukrainian youth.

    “The Lugansk People’s Republic [LNR] said on May 1 that it is developing a new textbook presenting the recent history of the occupied Luhansk region in accordance with Russian educational standards. Zaporizhzhya Oblast occupation official Vladimir Rogov stated on May 2 that 200 children recently took part in military-patriotic games of the Russian youth organizations First Movement and Yunarmiya in occupied Berdyansk and Melitopol,” ISW pointed out.

  2. I don’t expect to ever see any remorce from a future russian regime and I have gotten to the point where it actually doesn’t matter much anyway. I think that in any case I will hate Russia and the 99.9% of russians who didn’t actively stand up against this atrocious society. My foregivness will be even harder to come by than their remorce.

  3. literallyavillain on

    Oh hey, I know this one! It starts with “g” and ends with “enocide”