The Russians lost an SU-34 and its crew today according to the Russian telegram channel Fighterbomber

Posted by jimmehi


  1. It’s a shame the number 21 (tu-160) blackjack wasn’t the name of the plane but I will settle with an SU-35.


    Thx for pointing me out I typed 35 instead of 34.

  2. The sea baby drone with the R-73 aa missile we saw earlier today had only one missile but rails for two, i wonder if it managed to down this jet with the missing missile.

  3. “died as warriors”, really? Probably were lobbing missiles or bombs on civilian houses like the cowards they are.

  4. We will be seeing a lot of news like this as Ukraine’s fists grow bigger.

  5. puffinfish420 on

    Fighterbomber is really accurate. I use him to confirm Ukrainian claims of aircraft shot down.

  6. Elite-Thorn on

    Aren’t Su34 capable of carrying nuclear weapons? Asking for a friend

  7. Etherindependance5 on

    Died as invaders the civilian bombing war criminals found justice they had coming.

  8. Entire-Elevator-3527 on

    “Many of the stars on its side are mine”
    Did the author a lot of combat missions in this one?

  9. Open-Passion4998 on

    Hopefully this is the US patriot pac 2 missiles entering the fray again. With a good supply if missiles ukraine can start doing patriot ambushes again. If done right it could stop the russian bombing in donesk all together

  10. Thin_Spinach_2155 on

    very good: airplane and the flying orcs killed at the same time

    they died as war criminals

  11. Mindless-Box8603 on

    my non-condolences to the family and friends. May these orcs burn in hell. Terrorist not heros.